Bringing to you the TriForce strength challenge. Testing 3 components; move, strength, hold.
This is a free event - welcome to everyone.
Date: 30th November
Location: Wild Training Gym
Register your attendance below.
Men’s challenge
Women’s challenge
Men’s elite
Women’s elite
Men’s Challenge - 24kg kettlebells
Men’s Elite - 32kg kettlebells
Women’s Challenge - 16kg kettlebells
Women’s Elite - 24kg kettlebells
Lift - Kettlebell double press / As many reps as possible
Clean 2 kettlebells from the floor. All reps must start with the elbows below the shoulders and finish with the elbows locked out above the head with the feet stationary. Athletes can rest with the kettlebells on the floor whenever they want.
Men’s Challenge - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80kg
Men’s Elite - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100kg
Women’s Challenge - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60kg
Women’s Elite - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80kg
move - sandbag carry ladder
Carry each bag 10 meters. Get as far as possible in 3 minutes. If you get to the last bag, keep going. Score is the most completed 10 metre shuffles.
Men’s Challenge - 160kg
Men’s Elite - 240kg
Women’s Challenge - 120kg
Women’s Elite - 160kg
hold - frame hold for time
Pick up set from high blocks to emphasise the focus on grip strength, and not the deadlift.